Sunday, May 6, 2007


In January I signed up for a Himalayan trek with my yoga studio. That decision has initiated a series of beginnings for me.
  1. Why am I doing this? In truth, that is a question whose answer I am seeking myself. It had never occured to me that I would visit the Himalayan Mountains, or even that I would want to. Yet, each time I saw the announcement on the studio website, I felt more drawn to it. I have learned over the years that if I follow my heart, the reasons will unfold. And so I signed up. I will learn why as I move forward.
  2. When I asked Aaron, the owner of the studio and trek guide, whether he thought I could make the trek, his advice was, "Cardio, cardio, cardio." For the umpteenth time, I signed up at a gym. For the first time in my life, I am motivated to go to the gym. I have the sweetest, most affirming and knowledgable trainer. In fact, we are doing core strengthening and flexibility, along with the cardio. I train with a heart rate monitor, and he is constantly working me into my training zones. I was surprised early on to learn that my cardio capacity fell in the "very good" zone for my age. Four weeks ago it crossed the "elite" threshold for the first time. It has held there, and moved upward, since.
  3. In his book "The Art of Pilgrimage," Philip Cousineau writes, "Because weight is one of the greatest burdens to the pilgrim, one way to stay in touch with sacred writing is to 'make your own bible' as Emerson suggested." My Pilgrim's Bible is a leather-bound journal into which I transcribe the writings of others, those things that I used to highlight and leave sitting on the bookshelf. Interspersed are photographs, mostly my own, and a very rare insight of significance. Aaron has suggested readings to those of us going on the journey. As I complete each, I am adding new learnings to my bible. It, along with a journal for the trip, will be the books I carry with me.
  4. Photography is a sacred experience for my. My most sacred photographs are in black and white; you don't get distracted by the color. While I have gone digital, I have not yet been satisfied with conversion of those images from color to black and white. So, I am now on a quest for new black and white film. (My old film was discontinued about a year ago.)
  5. Blogging is new to me, another beginning. Here I will record - and share - my journey to my journey; the journey itself; and the journey home.

1 comment:

BK Bazhe said...

I wish you very good trip.
I looked your new webiste,
and adored your pics, as always.
Your friend, Bazhe